Hope For Once Extinct Jaguar After Female Released Into Wild After Conservation Efforts
There may yet still be hope for jaguars in Argentina after this female was released into the wild in a region where they were considered extinct for over 70 years.
The images were provided to Newsflash by the organisation Fundacion Rewilding Argentina who said the jaguars (Panthera onca) had been extinct in the Argentinian province of Corrientes, located in the north-eastern part of the country, for over 70 years as a result of deforestation and poaching.
This female, named Arami, was born three years ago at the Yaguarete Reintroduction Centre in the Ibera National Park, and she has now been released into the wild with officials saying they are tracking her movements and she appears to be following the estuaries that meander throughout the area.

The organisation said in its statement: “The year 2021 has marked a milestone in this great dream of reintroducing the jaguar, extinct in the province for more than 70 years, with the first releases of individuals. Since January, Mariua and her two cubs Kara i and Pora, and since April, Juruna with her cubs Sagua’a and Saso, roam freely in the pastures, mountains and wetlands of Ibera.”
They added: “Today, the release of Arami deserves a special distinction as, together with her sister Mbarete, they represent the first two jaguars born this century in Corrientes, and their birth in 2018 brought hope about the possible return of the jaguar to Ibera; today that hope transforms into reality.”
The governor of Corrientes, Gustavo Valdes, praised the conservationists for their efforts, saying: “This is an achievement for all Corrientes. Through nature tourism, the Ibera National Park is presented as a great opportunity for the social and economic development of our province, as well as being a source of pride for Corrientes. Together we continue working for nature and this is what makes us unique in the world.”