K9 Takes Down Fleeing Suspect After Dramatic Car Chase
This is the moment a K9 police dog pins down a criminal after a dramatic car chase with Florida cops.
The incident took place in Marion County in the US state of Florida on 19th June when Gregory Lee Linder, 33, attempted to flee a traffic stop.
The Marion County Sheriff’s Office said on social media: “K-9 Adelmo hopefully taught this criminal not to run again… Being a criminal is a bad decision…running from the police is a bad decision…not listening to K-9 warnings is a painful decision.

“Gregory Lee Linder passed K-9 Cpl. Sullivan near the 1900 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., and due to previous encounters, K-9 Cpl. Sullivan knew Linder’s driver’s license was suspended.
“In fact, his driving privileges have been suspended so many times that it is now a felony for him to even drive. Well, driving with a suspended license is bad decision number one. Bad decision number two is when a traffic stop was attempted and Linder decided to flee.”
The police said that Corporal Sullivan was then involved in a car chase that lasted nearly seven minutes before a successful PIT (Precision Immobilisation Technique) manoeuvre was carried out and the suspect lost control of his vehicle.

The police continued: “Here comes his third decision that became the most painful one…Linder fled from his vehicle and K-9 Cpl. Sullivan gave chase on foot yelling K-9 warnings, which Linder ignored.
“K-9 Adelmo quickly caught up to Linder and apprehended him, at which time he hastily surrendered. Ouch!
“Lt. McQuaig placed Linder into handcuffs as K-9 Cpl. Sullivan disengaged K-9 Adelmo.”

According to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, medics arrived on the scene and took the suspect to hospital for treatment.
After he was discharged, Linder was placed under arrest and taken to the Marion County Jail where he was charged with felony fleeing and eluding law enforcement, habitually driving with a suspended license (felony), and resisting without violence.
According to a Marion County Sheriff’s Office statement, the mission of the K-9 unit consisting of 8 dog-sheriff teams is to support all law enforcement activity and the community of the county. This support is a force multiplier that assists in the apprehension of fleeing criminals, warrant searches, building and area searches, search and rescue, pursuits, illegal drug eradication, bomb searches, along with assisting patrol deputies with in-progress calls for service.

Aside from their law enforcement duties, the K-9 teams visit schools, churches and businesses to give demonstrations of their canine’s abilities and to educate and give the public a better understanding of what the team is utilized for.