Macro Photographer Gets In The Face Of Scary Spiders And Chilling Creepy-Crawlies
The fearsome beauty of the insect world has been captured by this macro photographer who specialises in getting up close and personal with spiders and bugs that most people prefer to keep well away from.
But the work of Malaysian photographer Loo Kok Hua, 59, shows incredible detail just how remarkable and strangely beautiful many of these much-maligned insects really are.
Much of his work in particular focuses on spiders, capturing even the tiniest detail of their faces and bodies.

But he also looks at other beautiful subjects, such as the compound eyes of flying insects or the powerful jaws of a tiny ant.
The photographer, who usually goes by the nickname Jack, said he is going to love the tiny creatures he comes across while exploring nature spots in his native Malaysia.
The “macro photography hobbyist”, who manages a security company in his day job, said insects are his preferred subject although he is not averse to photographing family members during holidays and events.

Jack told Newsflash that he uses a Nikon D7100 and D7200 camera, a Tamron 90mm lens, a Laowa 100mm, and a Tamron 70-200mm telephoto zoom.
He added: “I don’t use filters or special effects for my macro photography and I only use Adobe Lightroom for editing.”
With regards to his love for insects, Jack told Newsflash: “There is so much to explore and learn about them.”

He added: “I imagine most macro photographers do not want to shoot the same subjects too often, but rare and unique insects are my main interest.”
In some of Jack’s most striking images, shared on Instagram for his 10,000 followers, he uses his equipment and telephoto zoom to snap terrifying yet fascinating spiders and prickly praying mantises up close and personal.
And as the comments from followers on Instagram show his hard work is appreciated.

‘Neverenoughbokeh’ commented: “Phenomenal shots.”
Netizen ‘Gerardochoa_naturegraphy’ said: “Astonishing set Jack!”
‘Laurent_nam’ wrote: “Another amazing series bro!”