Moment Atlanta Cop Hit By Car While Investigating Roadside Accident
This is the moment an Atlanta police officer is hit by a car while he was investigating an accident at the side of the road.
The incident took place on the Interstate 285, which is a highway that forms a ring around the city of Atlanta, the capital of the US state of Georgia, when the police officer who was investigating an accident.
In the body-cam footage, the officer appears to be investigating an accident by the side of the road. Cars are seen whizzing past at high speed on the highway and after the officer turns to face the other way, a car appears to hit him at speed from behind.

The footage was shared by the Atlanta police Department who said: “On Wednesday October 6, 2021, at around 8:10 a.m. Officer Steven Randerson, a nine-year veteran of the Atlanta Police Department, was investigating a traffic accident on I-75 NB near 17th St NW. The vehicles from the accident had been moved to the right shoulder of the highway and Ofc. Randerson positioned his police vehicle behind them to warn oncoming traffic of the hazard and to shield the citizen’s vehicles from another collision.
“While Ofc. Randerson was outside the police vehicle, but still in the right shoulder of the highway, another vehicle approached. The oncoming vehicle was traveling too fast for the wet conditions and lost control as it approached the area of the accident.”
The police said that the approaching vehicle left the traffic lane and went into the shoulder area where the officer was working. The officer did not see the vehicle coming as he was facing away from it. The police said that the officer “was struck from behind.”

They added that the officer was seriously injured in the incident and is still off duty recovering. They said that the driver who hit the officer was given a citation for going too fast.
The statement also said: “We are grateful that Officer Randerson is in the healing process. This could have ended so much worse. This incident is a reminder of the many dangerous situation’s officers can and do encounter each day and how grateful we should all be for their service. We are proud of the work our officers do and are mindful of their bravery.
“We remind motorists of Georgia’s Move Over Law which was put in place to avoid exactly this type of thing from happening. This law states that drivers must move-over one lane when emergency vehicles are stopped on the side of the road. To read more on that law click here: Georgia’s Move Over Law | Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (

“We also remind you to slow down during inclement conditions and to always pay attention to the road. When you speed, drive impaired, fail to consider weather or are otherwise inattentive on the roadway, you put everyone at risk, including officers who are out working to keep the community safe.
“Your focus and consideration while driving can save lives or destroy them. Protect our officers and protect your fellow citizens by making safety your priority.”