
Moment Chef Cooks Cheeseburger While Paragliding 2,000 Feet Above Turkish Coast

This is the moment a chef prepares a grill and cooks a cheeseburger while paragliding at a height of around 2,000 feet above the southern Turkish coast.

Chef Yigit Ugur Aydal, age not disclosed, wanted to carry out a paragliding flight over the lake at Seyhan Dam in Menekse in the district of Saricam in the south-eastern Turkish province of Adana, and contacted qualified paraglider Onur Avcu, 31.

The paraglider agreed to take him to the sky, but on the condition that he fries him a burger during the flight.

A chef prepared a hamburger in the sky while paragliding with the paraglider Onur Avcu in Adana, Turkey in August 2021. (Onur Avcu/Newsflash)

The chef agreed and brought along all the necessities, such as a grill, a kitchen blow torch, a burger patty, tomatoes, cheese, lettuce, and even pickles.

The pair then took to the air on 16th August.

The footage shows Yigit heating the grill with the help of a kitchen blow torch and cooking the meat while flying above the picturesque coastline at a height of around 600 metres (1,968 feet).

A chef prepared a hamburger in the sky while paragliding with the paraglider Onur Avcu in Adana, Turkey in August 2021. (Onur Avcu/Newsflash)

He also melts the cheddar cheese with the blow torch and places the other ingredients on the bun.

During the flight, which lasted some 35 minutes, the pair shared the cheeseburger before safely touching down.

Onur told Newsflash: “I am sure that it was a unique and memorable flight for Yigit, but it also made me feel special because the meal was prepared for me. Having a professional chef cook a meal in the sky for me was really something.

A chef prepared a hamburger in the sky while paragliding with the paraglider Onur Avcu in Adana, Turkey in August 2021. (Onur Avcu/Newsflash)

“I have been paragliding professionally for five years. I am an experienced pilot licensed by the International Aviation Federation (FAI). However, I mostly take part in flights for fun to get rid of the stress of daily life. I do not have any commercial plans because I already have a job where I spend most of my time.

“It was one of my most unusual flights. It was a flight that required all my experience because the passenger’s safety was of utmost importance to me.”

Onur said: “Earlier, a passenger said he was hungry just before the flight, so when we took to the sky, I gave him a doner kebab that was in my backpack for lunch. His astonishment in the sky was incredible.”

A chef prepared a hamburger in the sky while paragliding with the paraglider Onur Avcu in Adana, Turkey in August 2021. (Onur Avcu/Newsflash)

He added: “For their own safety, anyone interested in paragliding should always ask about the instructor’s experience and paragliding certificates first. No one should risk their life for such an experience.”

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