Moment US Cop Rescues Feisty Heron Found Injured On Nature Trail
This is the moment a police officer helps to rescue a feisty injured heron that puts up a fight before being placed in a box.
The footage was shot by the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) after they received a call about an injured great blue heron (Ardea herodias) at the Alameda Bosque Trail near the city of Albuquerque in the American state of New Mexico.
The video was shared yesterday (6th May) after they carried out the rescue, with the body-cam footage showing Deputy Boyce Berry arriving in a wild area as a woman carefully takes the injured bird out from a thick bush, with Boyce saying: “He seems very weak.”

The animal makes an aggressive sound and appears to struggle to break free.
The video cuts to show the woman approaching the deputy to hand him the animal when the feisty bird tries to strike him.
The footage goes on to show Boyce and the woman finally getting control of the bird before placing it inside a cardboard box with holes on it.

The rescue was captioned: “Deputy Boyce Berry does a fantastic job in helping to rescue a Blue Heron in the Alameda Bosque Open Space with Raptor Rescue.
“The bird is currently being treated by the rescue and is hopefully getting back to 100 percent!”
There were no reports on the exact injuries the bird suffered or how it became injured.