Nervous Canadian Cop Carefully Removes McDonalds Cup From Skunks Head Without Getting Sprayed
This is the moment a Canadian cop manages to remove a McDonald’s cup from a skunk’s head without getting sprayed.
The video was filmed in Toronto in the Canadian province of Ontario by police who jokingly asked: “What do you get when a Police officer and a skunk cross? Law and Odour!
“Great job by Constable Zamani for taking this high-risk task. Helping out a furry friend in need.”
The police added: “Be mindful not to litter, keep our community safe and clean.”
In the footage, the gloved cop is seen trying to attract a wandering skunk with its head apparently stuck in a McDonald’s cup.
When the animal comes into shot, the filming officer says: “Yep, that is a skunk with a McFlurry cup on its head.”
His colleague attempts to remove the cup without getting sprayed but fails at the first try to remove the cup.
He then follows the wandering skunk and manages to snatch the cup off its head at the second attempt before running to a safe distance as his colleague shouts “Oh, he did it!”
Twitter user ‘TenaciousEye’ commented: “In the US, the cop is likely to have emptied his revolver into the animal, saying he ‘feared for his life’.”
Netizen ‘Dana B’ wrote: “We are so hard on our police officers. We forget these little positive interactions that they experience every single day.”
‘Lynn Stadel’ said: “My son and I did the exact same thing on two separate occasions, both skunks had blizzard cups on their heads and we were the only ones willing to help the poor things at the time.”