
Off Licence Owner Finds Shoplifting Raccoon Bandit Hiding In Wine Container After Raiding Waffles

This is the moment a Russian off-licence owner finds a cheeky raccoon hiding in a wine container after already raiding the store’s waffles.

The furry intruder was filmed in the off-licence in the Russian city of Krasnodar last week.

The wily animal used all its cunning to sneak into the store and raid its waffles before hiding in a wine container from bemused staff.

An owner of a wine shop called rescuers to rescue a raccoon which was hiding in a wine box in the city of Krasnodar, Russia. (@krdru/Newsflash)

When the raccoon was eventually tracked down, the off-licence owner called the local council about safely removing the animal from the store.

It is unknown how long the raccoon was pillaging goods in the liquor store before being rumbled.

Animal handlers arrived at the scene and placed the raccoon in a box before safely releasing it in the wild.

Raccoon stuck in a wine box was rescued and released in the city of Krasnodar, Russia. (@krdru/Newsflash)

In the first video, the shop owner is seen filming the cute raccoon as it sits motionless in the wine container with a slight frown of worry on its face.

The second video shows the moment the raccoon is released into the wild.

One rescuer says to the animal as scurries into the overgrowth: “And that’s it? Not even a thank you?”

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