Quackers Moment Hair Of Shop Owner Set Alight While Roasting Ducks In Grill Machine
This is the moment a shop owner checks on the revolving ducks roasting in his grill machine and a jet of fire suddenly sets his hair alight.
The incident was filmed in a delicatessen in the city of Ningbo in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang on 6th September.
According to the news site Weibo, the man, name not reported, was about to remove the roast ducks from the grill machine when flames set his hair ablaze.

The man’s young son saw the incident and said it was distressing to see his father set alight.
However, the shop owner only suffered minor burns to his hair and face.
In the CCTV footage, the man is seen crouching down to check the roast ducks revolving in the grill machine.

While peering through the opened doors, a jet of flames suddenly ignites his hair and he stands up and pats the top of his head.
While ruffling his hair, a large tuft falls on the floor and he dejectedly walks away as the footage ends.
It is unclear if the delicatessen owner sought medical treatment after the incident.