
Teen Amateur Sculptor Makes Amazing Motorbike Replicas From Cardboard

This is one of the amazing life-size cardboard motorbike replicas created by young YouTuber and amateur sculptor Henry Goncalves.

Henry, 19, makes replicas of real-life motorbikes at his home in the Brazilian city of Sao Jose do Rio Preto.

Henry told Newsflash: “I’ve always found it easy to do that kind of thing: build, assemble, draw, etc. When I was little, I saw a video of a guy who made a Porsche at home, so I always wanted to make a car too, but since I was very small, I never started it, so I thought it wouldn’t work.

Henry, The vlogger whose hobby is building motorcycles in São Paulo, Brazil. (@robertahornet/Newsflash)

“By 2020, I was gaining a following for my publications that were original, doing image editing, and that’s when I thought ‘why not assemble a motorcycle?’ It seemed crazy, but I needed to start this project.

“In the beginning a lot of people doubted it, and I understand; before I made these bikes it was really hard to imagine something like that. But anyway, I made the bikes, a lot of people like them, and I still make them today.”

Henry used to paint houses with his dad. However, these days, he gets his income solely from his popular YouTube videos on his channel, ‘Robertahornet’, which has 169,000 subscribers.

Henry, The vlogger whose hobby is building motorcycles in São Paulo, Brazil. (@robertahornet/Newsflash)

Henry told Newsflash: “I always wanted to become popular with something. This was not my first attempt.

“I remember in 2014 I posted my first video on YouTube, and since then, I’ve never stopped trying. I’ve had several channels, from several different subjects, but they were always going wrong, until I finally found the one that worked for me.”

Henry fashions his motorbike replicas from cardboard, PVC pipe and screws. He told Newsflash: “I think this thing of patience has been around since I was a child. I always had an easy time with it, so it was not such a problem for me.

A motorcycle toy made by Henry, The vlogger whose hobby is building motorcycles in São Paulo, Brazil. (@robertahornet/Newsflash)

“Also, I’m a person who likes to get ahead of the curve, think about different things, I’ve always been like that. I think that’s what motivated me to do what I do today.”

Henry also told Newsflash about the inspiration for his creations, saying: “The first motorcycle I made is no longer with me, but it took me 10 months to build it. As it was the first bike I was making, I needed to find out what went right, what went wrong, etc.

“The second bike was the one from the video that went viral, the R1200. It took four months to make. If we compare, the 1200 is much more difficult than the Hornet, but with the 1200, I already had a certain amount of experience so it was easier to do.”

A motorcycle toy made by Henry, The vlogger whose hobby is building motorcycles in São Paulo, Brazil. (@robertahornet/Newsflash)

Henry also revealed what got him into motorbikes in the first place. He told Newsflash: “Since I was a kid, I’ve always liked cars. I was hugely influenced by the Fast and Furious movies and the Need For Speed games.

“For me, bikes never made much sense. I was never really interested in them, until a friend of my father arrived with a Hornet. At that moment I couldn’t believe what I was seeing… I said to myself ‘I have to have one of these’.”

On his plans for the future, Henry told Newsflash: “I know I’m never going to be up there forever so it’s very important to bond with people who like you and don’t ‘abandon’ you in the future.

Henry, The vlogger whose hobby is building motorcycles in São Paulo, Brazil. (@robertahornet/Newsflash)

“I also think about getting rich, really rich,” he joked, “but mainly, one of my plans at the moment is to build a house, I think this is the most important goal of all.

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