Teenager Arrested After High Speed Chase With Police In Wales
This footage shows a teenager engaged in a high-speed chase with the police in Wales, leading to his arrest.
The incident took place when the police officers tried to pull over the suspect’s car in the town of Haverfordwest, in Pembrokeshire county, in Wales, in the United Kingdom, on 9th October 2021.
According to the police, the (then) 17-year-old suspect, named as Jerry Harty, ignored their orders, lights and sirens. He continued driving and overtaking vehicles at speed, forcing his way through traffic, which caused the police to call off the chase to avoid there being a bigger incident.

In the footage, the suspect’s car can be seen travelling at excessive speeds and driving on the wrong side of the road, while the police cars follow him.
Harty, who the police said was previously disqualified from driving in 2018 and had never held a full driving licence, has been handed a suspended sentence and banned from driving for three years.
He was also ordered to take a diversionary scheme to engage with rehabilitation activity for 20 days.
Officer Paul Owen-Williams is quoted in a statement obtained by Clipzilla as saying: “We’re pleased with the sentence and we hope it serves as a warning to anyone considering driving in such a foolish, reckless way.
“It is only down to luck that no-one was seriously hurt that day.”