US Cops Release Baby Elk In Field After Separating From Mum On Other Side Of Motorway
This is the moment an elk calf is released in the same area as its mother after the pair became separated on either side of a US motorway.
The incident was filmed in Custer County in the US state of Colorado on June 9th after the two animals were separated the day before.
The Custer County Sheriff’s Office said on social media: “A baby elk was unable to escape some fencing north of the city of Custer. He was on the east side of Highway 16 and mom was on the west side of the highway.
“Law enforcement was not able to reunite them and hoped that they would work it out between themselves. However, this morning they were still separated by the fence and highway.”
Because the two animals were unable to reunite by themselves, the local authorities decided to intervene.
Two Conservation Officers and a Deputy Sheriff hiked to the field and were able to catch the young elk by hand.
They placed the elk in an animal container and carried it across the motorway and past the fence to where its mother was waiting.
The police added that the animal’s mother was waiting just over the hill when they released the calf, and they were soon reunited.
Facebook user ‘Jeanine Gould’ commented: “Thank goodness we live in a community that cares to help. Thank you all!”
Netizen ‘Gale Riordan Glenn’ said: “Good ending! Thanks to those who made it happen.”
‘Larry Schulte’ wrote: “One more reason I love your state and your people. Thinking outside the box – or inside the kennel and then outside the kennel.”