Alvin The Shetland Pony With 150K Insta Followers And Series Of Cool Trick Vids
Meet Alvin the Shetland pony who boasts 156,000 Instagram followers and a series of popular videos of him performing cool tricks and moves.
Alvin lives in Sweden with his owner Paulina, her family, and other animals including horses and sheep.
Paulina, 29, who works as a web editor and freelance writer in Sweden, told Clipzilla: “Alvin is a 15-year-old Shetland pony and we take part in liberty dressage and trick training.
“We got Alvin in 2009. We also keep horses and sheep.”
When it comes to his favourite pastimes, Paulina told Clipzilla that he “loves apple treats, forest walks, showing off for the camera, and snoozing in the sun with his friends”.