
Endangered Tree Kangaroo Emerge From His Mothers Pouch For 1st Time

Taronga Zoo Sydney/Clipzilla

Taronga Zoo’s endangered tree kangaroo joey has managed to emerge from his mother’s pouch for the first time.

The zoo’s video shows the adorable kangaroo hopping on the trees and balancing on a thick rope.

Then, in the company of his mother, he enjoys eating to prepare for new acrobatic challenges.

Taronga Zoo Sydney/ClipzillaTaronga Zoo Sydney/Clipzilla

At 10 months old and weighing just under 2kg, the little late bloomer was a little reluctant to venture out of his mother Kwikal’s pouch, earning himself the nickname ‘pouch potato.’

But Taro has become incredibly active and self-assured in the last few weeks.

Although he has only lately been able to remain permanently out of his mother’s pouch.

As he struggles to climb and balance in the treetops, this cute juvenile is always searching his feet and tail.

Jennifer Steed, Media and Communications Officer at Taronga Conservation Society Australia, told Clipzilla: “Taking influence from the joey’s nickname, keepers have named the youngster ‘Taro,’ which is a kind of sweet root vegetable that is common in his native Papua New Guinea”.

The Goodfellow Tree Kangaroos, native to Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, evolved from their field relatives to live in trees with specially developed climbing paws.

Goodfellow’s are listed as endangered due to habitat depletion and encroaching human activity, with more than half of wild populations lost in three generations.

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