
SNATCH OF THE DAY: Cop Pulls Suicidal Man From Car Park Ledge

This is the moment police save a suicidal man from leaping from the ledge of a parking deck.

The Little Rock Police Department posted a video of their officers saving the man’s life in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, on Friday, 20th May.

On 12th May, officers had responded to a call about a man sitting on the ledge of a parking deck with his feet hanging over it.

Quick actions by LRPD officers, likely saves a man’s life in Little Rock, Arkansas on May 12, 2022. (Little Rock Police Department/Clipzilla)

The video shows policemen as they approach the man wearing a red shirt.

Then the policemen calmly talk to the hearing impaired man.

Then dash forward grabbing the man from behind and pulling him back to safety.

Quick actions by LRPD officers, likely saves a man’s life in Little Rock, Arkansas on May 12, 2022. (Little Rock Police Department/Clipzilla)

Police later took the man to a crisis stabilisation unit so that he could recover.

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