Colorado Collects Helmets And Body Armour To Send To Ukrainian Fighters
The Colorado government is collecting surplus helmets and body armour from law enforcement agencies to send to the Ukrainian forces defending their homeland.
The Colorado Department of Public Safety (CDPS) and the Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), under the administration of Governor Jared Polis, 46, said they are collecting helmets and body armour to help the Ukrainian freedom fighters.
In a statement on 10th March, the CDPS said: “The Polis administration, through the Colorado Department of Public Safety (CDPS) and the Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), is launching an effort to collect surplus body armor and ballistic helmets to be sent to assist the Ukrainian people.

“DMVA and CDPS are asking Colorado law enforcement agencies to help by donating excess equipment that could help save lives as Ukrainians battle for the survival of their sovereign nation.”
Meanwhile, Governor Polis said: “Colorado is doing everything we can to oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and supplying body armor will help save lives of brave Ukrainians fighting to protect their freedom.
“We have surplus body armor sitting on shelves, and we know that it can urgently be used to help stop Putin and save Ukraine.”

Laura Clellan, Executive Director of the DMVA, said: “The Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs are proud to participate in the State of Colorado’s efforts to help the people of Ukraine.”
CDPS Executive Director Stan Hilkey said: “If even one life of a citizen soldier who is defending their country is saved, then this time-sensitive effort will have been worth it.”
The CDPS statement added: “To ensure that all materials meet safety standards, donations are only being accepted from law enforcement agencies and not from the general public.

“Law enforcement agencies are asked to drop off donated surplus body armor and ballistic helmets by 3 p.m., Monday, March 14, 2022.
“Members of the public who want to support Ukraine are encouraged to make a financial donation to any of the international non-profit organizations that are helping civilians impacted by the war.
“The U.S. State Department has partnered with to address the humanitarian needs of the people affected by the Russian aggression against Ukraine.”