CRUEL MURDER: Couple To Be Sentenced For Murdering Deaf-Mute Child, 5
A couple accused of murdering a deaf-mute child have been found guilty.
Zamira Dominguez was a five-year-old deaf-mute child who was beaten to death in the city of Monte Grande in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, on 29th September, 2018.
The child’s mother, Brenda Fernandez, along with Zamira’s stepfather, Brandon Gonzalez, have been found guilty of her murder by the Justice Department of neighbouring the city of Lomas de Zamora, according to local media reports from 29th August.

The couple will receive their sentence on Tuesday, 30th August.
Fernandez could be sentenced to twenty-one years in jail on charges related to neglect while Gonzalez may face life imprisonment for homicide, as requested by the prosecution.
The case proceedings began at the beginning of August and included a declaration from Zamira’s mother who stated that the child had been left in her stepfather’s care on the day of the incident.

Fernandez went on to say that after returning home she found Zamira asleep on a couch with her “tongue rolled back.”
Despite the fact that the child began to vomit profusely, she was only taken to a local hospital hours later, according to the statement.
The couple allegedly told doctors that Zamira had suffered a fall, a theory that was quickly discarded after doctors found internal bleeding in her liver and kidneys as the result of a beating.

Despite all their efforts, there was nothing doctors could do to save the young girl’s life.
Zamira’s grandmother told local media: “Throughout the trial, her mother did not shed a tear, recounting everything that happened to Zami.
“They said that Zami was to blame, because ‘she could not show that she felt pain.’
She added: “This is endless agony. I just hope they give their damn killers a life sentence.”

Zamira reportedly arrived at school “dirty and poorly fed” according to school officials while her biological father allegedly attempted to bring the mistreatment of the young girl to the attention of local authorities prior to the fatal incident.
Zamira’s aunt told local media that she once applied for custody of the child.
She stated “I applied for custody and they denied my request.

“Then they gave me my niece in a coffin.”