Incredible Professional Photos Show Baby Born In Amniotic Sac In Extremely Rare Delivery
These are the incredible professional photos of a newborn baby still inside the amniotic sac in what is known as an “en caul birth” – a one in 80,000 occurrence.
Despite en caul births being extremely rare, it was the fourth such occurrence to take place at a clinic in the Brazilian town of Sao Miguel do Oeste.
The latest such birth saw Davi Lucca Rosset Basso being welcomed into the world following a successful caesarian section on Tuesday, 21st September.

En caul births are so rare because the sac usually bursts when the baby is about to be born, even in caesarian sections.
When the sac bursts and its fluid leaks, the pregnant woman knows she is hours or just moments away from childbirth.
According to a 2018 study published in Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, en caul deliveries make up around just one in 80,000 live births, and they are not possible to predict.

After delivery, the sac is punctured by the doctor and the newborn is removed.
The unnamed doctor involved in Davi Lucca’s delivery said: “It’s a very beautiful birth, the baby arriving inside the sac and still moving around.
“Practically still in the intrauterine environment. Still in contact with its mother. It’s a very emotional birth.”

Experts say that en caul births pose no risks to the newborn. In fact, they can be beneficial, as the intact sac can protect the baby against possible trauma or abrasions during delivery.
Davi Lucca’s photos were taken by birth photographer Vanuza Lolatto, who posted the snaps to her Instagram page with the caption: “A true little bundle of love”.