Russia Counters Claims Of Logistics Problems With Video Apparently Showing Smooth Supply Of Troops In Ukraine
This is the moment that shows the logistics of food and equipment for the Russian military personnel in Ukraine.
The footage has been published by the Russian Ministry of Dence on 10th March.
The video shows cooking meals, baking bread, repairing and refueling equipment in the field.

Russian MoD said in a statement: “Deployed mobile bakeries are capable of baking up to 6 tons per day each, which makes it possible to provide both military personnel and the local population with bread.
“Each bakery is able to start baking bread an hour after being deployed at a new location.
“Also, for relaxation and personal hygiene, mobile field baths are deployed, designed for washing personnel in the field. The capacity of each bath is more than 30 people per hour.

“High mobility allows you to quickly change the location of the bathhouse for the washing of personnel. The bath is mounted on the chassis of a cross-country truck.”
The statement also said that there is also a pumping station, which allows drawing water from natural sources with further purification for use when washing personnel.
Russian MoD continued: “Specialists of the fuel and lubricants service organized refueling of wheeled and tracked vehicles at each filling point using the latest automobile fuelers based on KamAZ vehicles, with the help of which it is possible to simultaneously refuel 10 units of equipment.

“This method of refueling will allow several times to reduce the refueling time.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a start of an invasion of Ukraine on 24th February.