
VID: HOWZ THAT? Russian Drone Takes Out Howitzer Cannon Says Kremlin

Russian military chiefs have released footage of what they say is a drone strike on a Ukrainian artillery crew.

Newsflash obtained the images from the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) yesterday evening (Thursday, 7th April).

The colour footage shows what appears to be a truck with a trailer hitched on the back.

Destruction of a Ukrainian artillery crew and a military vehicle of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by a missile strike in April 2022. (Russian Ministry of Defense/Newsflash)

Then a huge explosion apparently rips through the vehicle, damaging it severely.

The Russian MoD stated that the clip shows the destruction of an artillery gun crew belonging to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a military heavy vehicle towing a 152mm howitzer.

It is currently unclear where exactly in Ukraine the images were filmed.

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