Bomb Squad Called In After Dog Finds Homemade Bomb That Looked Like Toy Ball And Picked It Up In Its Mouth
Police in Oregon called in the bomb squad after this homemade bomb that looks like a toy ball was picked up at a middle school by a playful dog, prompting law enforcement officers to hastily evacuate the area.
The bomb experts said that the device was especially dangerous because it could have been set off by simple “friction” or by being “punctured”, adding that the fuse it came with did not even have to be lit for it to cause serious injury and even death.
The bomb had been placed at the Sherwood Middle School, which is located in the city of Sherwood, in Washington County, in the north-western US state of Oregon, on the evening of Wednesday, 23rd February, at approximately 6 PM.

The Sherwood Police Department (SPD) said in a statement obtained by Newsflash: “Tonight at approximately 6:11PM Officers were dispatched to a suspicious circumstance at the Sherwood Middle School.”
They said that the bomb had been found by an unknown person playing with their dog. The police said: “A ball wrapped in tape with a fuse protruding from it was located in the middle of a field by a community member playing with their dog.”
The SPD said that it quickly took measures to move people away from the danger zone and contacted the local bomb squad. They said: “Officers evacuated the area and contacted the Explosive Detonation Unit (EDU) and Engine 033 from Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue.”
The cops said that the experts who arrived on the scene at about 7 PM confirmed that the device was dangerous. They said: “At approximately 7:02PM EDU arrived on scene and confirmed it was a homemade bomb.”
The police also said that the experts safely detonated the homemade device at the scene and no one was injured.
The police added: “EDU experts say these are common devices that can be activated from fuse, friction, or puncture. This device is incredibly dangerous and can cause serious physical injury or death. If you see something that looks similar to this; do not touch it and immediately call 911.
“This is also a good reminder – keep your dogs on leash – the community member’s dog originally picked it up.
“We are continuing to search more areas of the Middle School and parks, fields, and schools throughout the city. Sherwood School District has been notified of the incident.”
The investigation is ongoing.