BRAVE MUM: Thin Mother Lowered Into Pipe To Save Boy As Firefighters Were Too Big To Fit
This is the moment firefighters enlist a brave mother to be lowered down into a well to rescue her six-year-old son because they were too large to fit themselves.
The dramatic rescue took place in Guangzong County, which is under the jurisdiction of the prefecture-level city of Xingtai, in the Chinese province of Hebei, on 27th March.
The boy, who has not been named, fell into the 10-metre- (33-foot-) deep but only 45-centimetre- (18-inch-) wide well while playing.

The fire brigade was immediately called to the scene and firefighters delivered oxygen to the boy using special tanks.
However, while trying to rescue the child, the firemen realised the well was far too narrow for them to fit down, so they enlisted the help of the boy’s slender mum.
Without hesitation, she started preparing for the rescue.

The firemen gave the woman a crash course in basic rescue techniques, and after taking precautionary measures, they helped to lower her into the well headfirst.
The boy was then pulled out with the help of his mother 10 minutes later.
The boy is currently in a good condition, as he was rescued on time by his lean mum.