Flamingo Hatchlings Enjoying Their First Dip In The Water
The Pafos Zoo has released an adorable video showing flamingo hatchlings taking their first dip in a tub of water.
The video was recorded and released by Pafos Zoo a zoo located in the town of Pegeia in Cyprus on the 9th of august.
The video shows chicks of two different species of flamingos, The greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) and The American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) who peeping happily walk around in the water.
According to the zoo, after a detailed observation of the flamingo population at the zoo, it was noticed that the first clutch of eggs always goes to waste. The reason behind this is that the flamingo couple is not yet completely settled in their nests yet and since there is a lot of moving around the eggs get lost, cracked and sometimes abandoned.
This year a team from the zoo decided to help out and hopefully hatch the first clutch of eggs. The zoo staff removed the first clutch of eggs from the enclosure and artificially incubated the eggs.
Out of the six eggs removed, four chicks hatched completely healthy.
Once the chicks hatched they hand-reared all of the chicks which was never done before and required a lot of before-hand research and preparation. Ever since they hatched the chicks have been cared for by humans.
Currently, the chicks are doing very well and the zoo staff is hopeful that they would all make it into adulthood.
As of the adult flamingoes, the adult flock is currently taking care of the second clutch of eggs which consists of eight more eggs.
Pafos Zoo currently has around 20 individual flamingos residing in the zoo.