MAN AND SLICED: Wife Stabbed 20 Times By Husband Wants Case Dropped
A woman whose violent husband hacked off her ear because she was too ill to go to work wants prosecutors to drop the case.
Her husband also reportedly confessed to stabbing her 20 times in an attack that nearly killed her.
Now local media in Helwan, Egypt, have reported that she wants the case dropped to save their son from the stigma of having a jailbird dad.

The 24-year-old victim – identified in reports only by the first name Raneen – says she has forgiven her partner, not named in reports.
The couple rowed when health problems stopped her working at a hair salon.
During the row – in June – her security-guard husband grabbed a kitchen knife and repeatedly slashed and stabbed her.

The victim was rushed to Qasr El Eyni Hospital in a critical condition, while her husband was arrested.
During questioning, he admitted to having carried out the attack and told officers he had warned his wife not to discuss money issues at home.
Raneen suffered stab wounds to the shoulder, abdomen and spleen.

But her parents came out against her decision and demanded that investigations into her attacker continue.
They have also applied for custody of their grandson.
The case is currently with the Public Prosecutor’s Office.