THAT DON’T HALF SHELL RUFF: Dog Turns Nose Up At Snail Noodles
This is the moment a long-suffering pooch covers its nose as its owner leaves a bowl of stinky snail noodles just a few inches away.
Ms Chen, the owner of the two-year-old Golden Retriever, shared the funny clip on the social network Douyin, also known as TikTok.
She explained that the dog is very sensitive to smells and often covers its nose when something pongy is around, even dirty socks and shoes.

She was cooking noodles with powdered snails when she filmed the dog’s amusing reaction.
In the video clip, the dog is seen lying on the sofa with its paws covering its nose as Ms Chen leaves the bowl of snail noodles on the nearby table.
The dog peers at the food with a sad expression on its face before the owner picks up the bowl and leaves it on a stool right next to the pooch.

The dog looks up for a moment but quickly covers its nose again and tries to ignore the stinky snails in the bowl.
At the end of the video, the pooch is seen barking at Ms Chen after she apparently pushed the prank too far.