COLD-HEARTED: Mother Hacked Newborn Son To Death And Hid Body In Freezer
A mother hacked her newborn son to death and then hid his body in a freezer because he would interfere with her lifestyle, a court has heard.
The baby’s corpse was shockingly found at her shared workers’ shelter after another resident bought a new fridge-freezer.
Accused Angela B., 33 – not fully identified under German privacy laws – denies killing the tragic tot.

The baby’s body was found with multiple stab wounds and wrapped in a plastic bag, Leipzig district court heard on 23rd August.
Angela B. had claimed that the newborn had been snatched by a stranger just after she had given birth in a communal loo at the residence in Wurzen on 30th October last year.
The tot’s body was not discovered for another eleven days until 10th November when a co-worker bought a new ‘fridge.
Hungarian-born Angela B. had come to Germany only months earlier to work in a fish packing factory.

She denied knowing she was pregnant or gaining weight, despite colleagues’ claims that she suddenly started wearing wide sweaters and always had a bag in front of her stomach.
According to her, she continued having her periods immediately after the delivery.
She allegedly took 15 painkillers on 30th October when she “surprisingly” gave birth in the toilet.
She said: “The next morning I was sitting on the toilet and then suddenly the baby came. I didn’t understand it and I was in a state of shock.”
She then claimed she cut the baby’s umbilical cord with a knife and fainted, as a tattooed man wearing gloves snatched the little one out of her hands.

Angela B. said she never saw the child again but she later admitted she may have “unintentionally” injured the baby while cutting the umbilical cord.
The presiding judge pointed out that according to examinations there were eleven cuts and stab wounds found on the baby’s body.
Prosecutors say Angela B. murdered the newborn as she believed he would disturb her plans for the future.
One of the judges said: “There are indications that you knew about the pregnancy but hid it from those around you.”

Investigations revealed that this was Angela B.’s 11th pregnancy since 2009.
She had reportedly aborted two babies and had two stillbirths, while giving birth to seven other children, out of which one was given up for adoption in the hospital.
The newborn’s father, identified as Joszef S., 24, was arrested shortly after the baby was found, but was later released.
The next hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, 15th November, 2022. The case continues.