Lithuanian Dog Groomer Becomes Online Smash For Cute Clips Of Pomeranians
A Lithuanian dog groomer has become an online hit for her viral videos of her adorable Pomeranians.
Milda Ulpyte, 23, who comes from the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, told Newsflash: “I have a large dog kennel, so I have eight dogs at the moment, but don’t be surprised by this number, because only two of them live with me all the time.
“The others live with family members and my closest friends. That way I can assure that every dog gets the maximum love, care and attention they need.”

Milda, who works as a dog groomer and boasts nearly 100,000 TikTok followers, said: “I’ve loved animals since an early age. I’ve always been interested in all kinds of animals, especially dogs. As a kid I wanted to pet every single dog I saw.
“I’ve been full of love for animals since I was young. I had guinea pigs, fish and other small animals, but dogs always took the biggest piece of my heart.
“I’m so happy that right now as an adult, I have the possibility to be surrounded by animals every day.

“Right now my life is filled with love. I own a dog kennel, I’m a dog breeder, and I own a dog salon, where I work as a groomer. I see and care for dogs everyday, so I couldn’t be happier.”
Milda, some of whose videos have over 10 million views, told Newsflash: “I’ve been posting videos to TikTok from 2020 just for fun.
“I never had any viral videos then and I’d never expected to gain that many views, especially since I’m from a small country and TikTok algorithms are based on geographical location.

“I enjoy filming videos of my cute dogs, so creating content for TikTok was just a hobby and I’d never expected it to go viral.
“What happened is crazy, I’d never imagined that, and it is so nice to have huge TikTok accounts following me and ‘liking’ my videos!
“I keep Pomeranians and Kleinspitz. The dogs’ names are Taleris, Lulu, Johnny, Fidji, Lexi, Meggi, Molly and Kendi.

“Taleris and Lulu live with me all the time. Their favourite food is definitely raw meat. Every other day they get matured beef tenderloin, and it is definitely the best delicacy for them.
“When it comes to grooming and washing, some dogs enjoy this process, others don’t. But at the end of the day, they all enjoy having a good-smelling coat and well-brushed hair.
“My dogs enjoy being well-groomed and they hate mud and dirty things. If it is raining outside, they tend to go around every rain puddle so their feet can stay clean for longer.

“Sometimes we travel overseas to take part in dog competitions. I’ve been to many countries all around Europe with my dogs, it is such a nice experience to explore foreign countries with your loving animals by your side.
“Most of my dogs are show champions and they have multiple show titles. My female Lulu has the biggest achievement, with 18 show champion titles.
“We also enjoy long walks. In Lithuania we have many beautiful forests and many beautiful hiking trails nearby, so in my free time we spend lots of time outside. It’s healthy for me and the doggies.”

Milda told Newsflash: “My funniest dog is definitely Taleris. He has had many funny accidents.
“One time, I left him alone in my car for a few minutes so I could fill my car up and grab few things from the petrol station, but somehow he managed to press the central-locking button and locked himself inside with the keys in there.
“It was winter, and while he was chilling in the warm car, I was freezing outside, trying to tempt him with meat through the window so he could press the same button and unlock the doors.

“It took me 30 minutes, but I got him to press the button somehow. He was proud of himself. That memory still puts a smile on my face to this day.”
Milda added: “I truly believe that only bad people don’t love animals. Animals are full of love and empathy, so I don’t understand how some people don’t love them.
“I don’t know much about other animals, but I know that dogs can make you happy. Dogs can reduce stress, anxiety and even depression. They improve your all-round health. So loving them back gives you many benefits for sure.

“So why would you not love them? Dogs are meant to be loved.”